Book Review CATUS Coloring Book
„Katzen-Echo“/Deutsche Edelkatze e.V.
(„Cat Echo“/German Noble Cat Registered Society)
Nuesret Kaymak
Atelier Kaymaks creative & study books, volume 1
Paperback: 292 pages
21.6 x 1.7 x 27.9 cm
Age recommended by the manufacturer: From 4 years
Publisher: Atelier Kaymak, Aachen, 2019
ISBN-10: 3961830185
ISBN-13: 978-3961830183
Amazon: 8,20 Euro
An original colouring book with high information value, artistically stimulating for fantasy and curiosity under the slogan: „Get to know 136 four-legged personalities who can hardly wait to be discovered and painted by you!“
After an easily understandable introduction to the world of cats in general, of pedigree cats in particular, the listing of 15 important breeding associations and an alphabetical table of contents about the breeds, there follow full-page naturalistic pen drawings of various pedigree cats from all over the world in landscape format, which invite to imaginative colouring, with short information about the breed on the opposite page.
In fact, the book’s appeal is irresistible to cat lovers large and small and those who want to become one. It not only invites you to paint, but also makes you curious for more.
The author, who has worked for more than 25 years as a concept designer, illustrator, cartoonist and animator for advertising, PR, film and TV (see, writes didactically and humorously about history, politics, art and culture, vegetarianism and animal protection and is a proven cat fan. His book, completely from his hand, shows this immediately. Also the humor does not come with him too briefly, as one can see on page 238…
Kaymak’s generous permission to use copies of his cat illustrations free of charge for educational and care institutions as well as charitable
organizations and beyond that for private, non-commercial purposes makes the already pedagogically valuable book particularly attractive, especially since the price of 8.50 € is surprisingly low in relation to its size and presentation.
A very recommendable book!
Review: Ortrun Wagner (01.01.2020)