The Brownies of Cologne (Kindle)

The Brownies of Cologne (Kindle)

Cultural treasures of the world – issue 1: The Brownies of Cologne

© Ess Kay,,

What if you woke up in the morning and all the work you had to do had already been done? And nobody wanted anything in return? And the next morning the same thing would happen. And the morning after that again. And the next day it would happen again? The former inhabitants of Cologne had just this pleasure and know that firsthand.Hardly anyone today knows the first version of the Brownies of Cologne saga, which was written by Cologne educator and city historian Ernst Weyden. He probably thought of his experience with the annoying grammar-school boys- when he pondered laziness, ingratitude, diligence and esteem almost 200 years ago and prosaically ventilated the outcome of his deliberations. Ten years later, the artist and jack-of-all-trades Alfred Kopisch liked the tragicomic narrative so much that he sang of it as a lively ballad – and made it really famous. The Aachen graphic artist and illustrator Nuesret Kaymak pays his due respect as a Rhinelander by choice in his homage to the creator, interpreter and creation.

Kindle Edition, color, 137 pages: € 2,99


  • Nuesret Kaymak

    Nuesret Kaymak arbeitet seit vielen Jahren als Kreativer für PR, Werbung und TV. Seit 2012 veröffentlicht er didaktische und humorvolle Bücher über Sagen und Mythen, die Natur und sein Steckenpferd, die Geschichte.

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