Here’s to a new one!

Here’s to a new one!

After these bad years, it can only get worse: the current world politics is turning hollow and our government is not doing any better and is determinedly steering the country towards an iceberg. Now I can finally understand what it’s like to stand on the Titanic. Not that it’s much better anywhere in the world. Maybe in Namibia? Oh well. Now what? Do what? Turn off the lights and die? Bury your head in the sand? Or just put it in the gas oven? But no, it’s too expensive. I actually still feel too young for that. I guess we’ll have to reinvent ourselves and see that we keep going somehow. The maxim is „don’t go under.“ I made a start today: bought a hat and made new profile photos. Like a fresh breeze that creates a mood of departure. May we all succeed in getting through these hard times as well.


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