Autor: Nuesret Kaymak

Nuesret Kaymak works as a creative for PR, advertising and TV and writes didactic and humorous books.

Alle Katzenrassen dieser Welt

Alle anerkannten Katzenrassen (Atelier Kaymaks Kreativ- & Studienbücher, Band 2) Die Hauskatze ist heute noch vor dem Hund das beliebteste Haustier der westlichen Hemisphäre. Mit Ausnahme der Antarktis gibt es auf jedem Kontinent Millionen von Katzen, die von begeisterten Katzenbesitzern bewundert werden. Dieses reich bebilderte Buch bietet Katzenliebhabern und solchen, die es werden wollen –

All Cat Breeds of This World

Now also available in ( more affordable ) eBook format AZW3, EPUB, MOBI & PDF The Book  The domestic cat is still the most popular pet of the western hemisphere before the dog today. With the exception of Antarctica, there are millions of cats on every continent that are adored by enthusiastic cat owners. This

All Cat Breeds of This World

The ultimate cat breed guide for all cat lovers who are considering getting a pedigree cat – but want to know beforehand what’s in store for them! –Revised edition with current prices of each pedigree cat for 2023–them! Buy the nice, thick tome can also be used as a defensive weapon against burglars 🙂 can


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